Monday, December 15, 2008

Where to start?

Verdana. That's right, I have a favorite font. It's incredibly nerdy of me, but I like what I like and can't really change that.

I've been sitting on this blog and this name for quite some time now, (as in, created it but left the page blank, not that i was literally sitting on it, or my laptop) trying to decide what to do with it. I didn't really have an itch to write until now, and I wasn't sure that anyone would really want to hear what I had to say. But just like my love for Verdana, I've decided not to be ashamed of what I think or search for validation in it any longer. I'll try not to make this too emo for anyone that actually reads it, as I'm not really looking for a place to spout misguided poetry about my shitty day or long lost loves.

Eventually, I hope to find an actual use for this blog that doesn't entail boring the masses, but until then I will leave this disclaimer: "May cause drowsiness, be sure and read when liberally caffinated.

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