Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Art of the Finger-Mustache

One of my favorite things in the world is the concept of "good, clean, fun". To those of you questioning my title, I know that drawing on your finger with ink or permanent ink may not seem all that "clean", but I can assure you that all of the giggling that will ensue from the digital photos snapped will dispel any doubts you may have had.

I call finger-mustache creating "art" because it is a very haphazard sort of activity. They can be drawn whenever the mood strikes, usually best in a crowded place involving a party-like atmosphere and friends with cameras. So whenever the inspiration strikes, go for it! My roommates and I have found that the little Sharpies you can attach to your keychain come in handy for any sort of finger-mustache occasion. They can be purchased at any office supply store, usually for less than a dollar.

It is usually best to have someone else draw the mustache for you, as it is to be drawn on the index finger of either hand (your choice), on the inside between the first and second finger. It's a tough angle to get at all by yourself. The only problem with this is that it can leave your mustache up for interpretation by the artist, so be sure an discuss what kind of mustache you would like, or you might end up with a Hitler/Chaplin when you really wanted a Selleck. You can also use word-play in your finger-mustache creations for added creativity. Coming up with your own is half the fun, but a good example is to write the word "milk" on someone's finger, so then they have a "milk mustache". The possibilities are endless.

I will leave you now with one of my favorite snapshots of a rowdy finger-mustache brigade (note my awesome soul patch).